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The Constellation That Returned From Hell

One fateful day, a mysterious place called the “Abyss,” which is full of celestials and monsters, appeared on Earth. These celestials from the Abyss required the faith of believers to maintain their power, making Earth and its great population a jackpot for them. Unfortunately, among the good celestials who handed out blessings to humans in return for their faith, there were evil celestials who preferred to use more powerful means to just take over Earth.


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Alternative Names: The Celestial Returned From Hell A Constelação que Voltou do Inferno The Constellation Returned From Hell The Constellation That Returned From Hell بازگشت رب النوع از جهنم 从地狱归来的圣座 地獄から蘇った聖座様 지옥에서 돌아온 성좌님

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