RYU Seungyeon
Study Group
Nicknamed the “school for future criminals,” Yusung Technical High School isn’t exactly the ideal place to study. A rarity among his peers, Gamin is a student with just one goal: to get into university. At a school where it’s every man for himself, he is rejected from countless study groups before he decides to form his own. When Hankyeong, Gamin’s former tutor, joins his high school in hopes of earning her teacher certification, it seems like they’re both reaching for the impossible. Can they defeat the odds and achieve their dreams?
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Alternative Names: Study Group スタディー・グループ流氓讀書會痞子学霸스터디그룹
268 Chapters
Chapter 266 Start and End
March 10, 2025
Chapter 265
March 10, 2025