Moon Slayer
After emerging from an accidental journey to the Boss World with a new set of skills, I have been hiding among the other players of Phantom Moon, searching for the secrets concealed within this game. In order to achieve my goals and find my missing brother, I’ll have to bend – and sometimes break – the very rules of this virtual reality in my favor. Guilds? Other Players? Powerful Bosses? All are simply stepping stones on my way to a destiny greater than the game’s mysterious designers could ever have imagined.
You’re reading the manhua called ‘Moon Slayer’ on Optoons.com.
Alternative Names: Paraselene Moon Chopping Moon Slayer Reborn as a Skeleton Zhan Yue Zhǎn Yuè 斩月 血月の死神〜最強のボスを目指して〜
76 Chapters
Chapter 75
December 16, 2024
Chapter 74
December 10, 2024