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The Knight and Her Emperor

Pollyanna is an unremarkable girl in a noble family. Her parents send her to military conscription hoping she’ll die quickly in battle. Left only with her wits and her strength, Pollyanna fights to rise up in the ranks. One day, she meets an ardent king, one who finally acknowledges her worth. Moved by his dream for unity, Pollyanna vows to fight for him. But now the young king is slowly realizing this stalwart knight has also conquered his heart.


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Alternative Names: The Knight and Her Emperor Emperor and the Female Knight Hoàng đế và Nữ hiệp sĩ Kaisar dan Kesatria Wanita Koutei to Onna Kishi L’armure et la couronne L’empereur et la chevaleresse The King and His Knight Імператор та лицарка 皇帝と女騎士 皇帝与女骑士 皇帝與女騎士 황제와 여기사

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