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The Age of Arrogance

After winning a long war, Asha Pervaz is expecting the emperor to compensate her with money. Unlike her expectations though, the emperor asks Asha to choose her own husband from a list of nobles. Asha chooses Duke Carlisle Haven, the emperor’s eldest son and former crown prince. Asha expects him to object and pay an alimony instead, but the duke actually agrees to marry her! He even promises to help Asha rebuild Pervaz. What does the duke really want? And will Asha get what she wants without getting embroiled in the growing royal conspiracy?


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Alternative Names: The Age of Arrogance City of Arrogance Gurur Çağı L’âge de l’arrogance La edad de la arrogancia La nueva era Masa Kesombongan The Era of Pride Thời đại của oman Эпоха высокомерия عصر الغطر अहङ्कारको युग ยุคแห่งความโอหัง 傲慢の時代 傲慢的时代 傲慢的時代 오만의 시대

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