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Sword Fanatic Wanders Through the Night

Kidnapped as a child to be trained in the art of poison, Sohan Jin returns to his hometown in search of the group of New Moon Sword Dancers who raised him. However, upon his return, Sohan discovers the sword dancers have been defeated by a nefarious sect that now rules the area, with some members having been abducted. What would have been a heartwarming reunion transforms into a quest for revenge as Sohan begins his search for the remaining sword dancers, and he’s willing to poison anyone who gets in his way.


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Alternative Names: A Dance of Swords in the Night Camino en la noche consumido por las espadas El despiadado de la espada que anda por la noche In the Night Consumed by Blades, I Walk Sword Fanatic Wanders Through the Night 刀に酔った夜を歩く 醉剑夜行 칼에 취한 밤을 걷다

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