Our protagonist embarks on a journey from a humble mountain village, accompanied by two companions: a strategist and a groom. His goal is to transform the village into the strongest mountain stronghold. He arrives in a chaotic world where he inherits a dilapidated mountain fortress. In the face of this tumultuous and deadly environment, he faces a critical choice: Will he resort to robbing money, food, and women to become a carefree king of the mountain? Or will he pour his heart and soul into battling the heroes of the world, striving to earn a name that will echo throughout the universe? Is anyone truly born destined to be a king, duke, general, or minister?
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Alternative Names: Rise of the Mountain Chief Comienza con una Montaña I Have a Shanzhai It Starts With a Mountain Kaiju Yi Zuo Shan Kāijú Yī Zuò Shān Kāijú Yīzuò Shān Start a Mountain Ta Có Một Sơn Trại Tối Cường Sơn Tặc Hệ Thống 开局一座山 퀘스트 : 지상 최고의 산적 퀘스트: 지상 최고의 산적