Kotoba Noriaki
The Barbarian’s Bride
The strongest female warrior of the west, Seraphina de Lavillant, was defeated by barbarians of the east. What awaits her are endless days of torture is what she thought. She was offered “marriage to the barbarian king?” The start of a fantasy world marriage by former enemies.
You’re reading the manga called ‘The Barbarian’s Bride’ on Optoons.com.
Alternative Names: Hime Kishi wa Barbaroi no Yome A noiva de barbaroi Kalah Perang Jadi Istri The Bride of Barbaroi The Princess-Knight Bride of Barbaroi The Warrior Princess and the Barbaric King Невеста варвара Принцесса-Рыцарь – Невеста Варвара เจ้าสาวนักดาบกับราชาคนเถื่อน (ฉบับการ์ตูน) (PHOENIX) ひめきしバルバロイのよめ 姫騎士は蛮族の嫁 姬騎士是蠻族的新娘 姬骑士是蛮族的新娘
48 Chapters
Chapter 47 The First Battle of the Hunt is How They Learn
February 20, 2025
Chapter 46 The Prosperous Autumn is Approaching
February 20, 2025