Solo Leveling: Ragnarok
The Earth’s existence is under threat once more as Itarim, the gods of other universes, seek to fill the void left by the Absolute Being. Sung Jinwoo has no choice but to send Beru, the shadow ant king, to awaken his son’s powers and start him on the journey he once took. Suho must conquer the shadow dungeon and earn his place in the world of hunters as he navigates through a new world against a new evil looking to swallow the world whole.
You’re reading the manhwa called ‘Solo Leveling: Ragnarok’ on Optoons.com.
Alternative Names: Solo Leveling: Ragnarok Na Honjaman Level Up: Ragnarok Поднятие уровня в одиночку: Рагнарёк 나 혼자만 레벨업 : 라그나로크
Dungeon Reset
Dawoon’s ordinary life is turned upside down when he is summoned into the Dungeon, where he must play a deadly game, outlasting dangerous monsters and life-threatening traps. To make matters worse, he’s only a mere crafter with zero combat abilities. But after Dawoon falls into a trap and survives after a glitched reset, he’s gained random but oddly helpful skills. He’ll need to get creative to clear the game and return home, with a bloodthirsty assistant and an adorable ground squirrel along for the ride. Now that the rules no longer apply to him, what possibilities await in the tunnels below?
You’re reading the manhwa called ‘Dungeon Reset’ on Optoons.com.
Alternative Names: Dungeon Reset Перезапуск подземелья ダンジョンリセット 副本重置 重启地下城 던전 리셋