Carlo Zen
Youjo Senki
When the average Japanese salaryman is suddenly thrown into in a world wracked with warfare and hardship by a supernatural power, they might first think to hide or run away. But not Tanya Degurechaff. A calculating and utilitarian man has been reborn as a child soldier. This young girl will do anything to rise in rank and find a way to live a life of comfort, and woe to any king, country, or god who stands in her way.
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Alternative Names: Youjo Senki Crónicas de una niña en guerra Crônicas Militares de uma Pequena Garota Diario de guerra Kisah Tanya yang Jahat Kisah Tentera Seorang Gadis Kecil Kronik Militer Seorang Gadis Kecil Küçük Bir Kızın Askeri Günlükleri La saga di Tanya la malvagia Le cronache militari di una ragazzina Les Histoires militaires d’une petite fille Saga de Tanya la malfaisante Tanya Chiến Ký The Saga of Tanya the Evil Военная хроника маленькой девочки Военный журнал маленькой девочки Військова історія маленької дівчинки Колдунья в погонах حماسه تانیای شیطانی داستانی تانیا ھەڵگەڕاوەکە ملحمة تانيا الآثمة บันทึกสงคราม ของยัยเผด็จการ 幼女战记 幼女戦記 幼女戰記 유녀 전기